How to use

Preparation steps before running from Command Line Interface (CLI)

  1. Put input emissions csv files in desired folder (suggested: “data”)

  2. Download the required configuration files for the climate emulator you want to use (see Climate emulators)

  3. (optional, but recommended) Download an infiller database like the one used for AR6 (see Infiller database)

  4. Open up an anaconda prompt, load the right environment, go to the climate-assessment folder

  5. Run python scripts/ with appropriate arguments

Example usage: python scripts/ tests/test-data/ex2.csv output --model "fair" --model-version "1.6.2" --num-cfgs 2237 --probabilistic-file data/emulator/fair/fair-1.6.2-wg3-params-slim.json --fair-extra-config data/emulator/fair/fair-1.6.2-wg3-params-common.json --infilling-database src/climate_assessment/infilling/cmip6-ssps-workflow-emissions.csv


The above example uses the very simple and small infiller database “cmip6-ssps-workflow-emissions.csv”, which will yield a warning. For most applications, it is strongly advised to use a larger infiller database, like the one based on AR6 scenarios.

Please make sure you have followed the download instructions under Infiller database on how to use the full AR6 setup.

Further examples

We also provide one worked example as a Jupyter Notebook, namely under notebooks/run-example-fair.ipynb