
This package is tested using python 3.9, and has also been used with python 3.7, though continuous integration tests are not run for 3.7.


Due to the better dependency resolution installing with pip>=22 is recommended.

Using pip

pip is Python’s default package management system. If you install Anaconda, then pip is also usable. pip can also be used when Python is installed directly, without using Anaconda.

  1. Ensure pip is installed—with Anaconda, or according to the pip documentation.

  2. Open a command prompt and run:

    $ pip install climate-assessment

From source

  1. (Optional) If you intend to contribute changes to climate-assessment, first register a Github account, and fork the climate-assessment-repository. This will create a new repository <user>/climate-assessment.

  2. Clone either the main repository, or your fork; using the Github Desktop client, or the command line:

    $ git clone
    # or:
    $ git clone
  3. Open a command prompt in the climate-assessment directory and type:

    $ pip install --editable .[docs,tests,deploy,linter,notebooks]

    The --editable flag ensures that changes to the source code are picked up every time import climate-assessment is used in Python code. The [docs,tests,deploy,linter,notebooks] extra requirements ensure additional dependencies are installed.

  4. (Optional) If installed from source, run the built-in test suite to check that climate-assessment functions correctly on your system:

    $ pytest tests/integration -m "not nightly and not wg3"


The message_ix documentation was the main source of the text in this installation guide.

Infiller database

To reproduce the results from the Sixth Assessment Report Working Group III, one must download the AR6 infiller database from the AR6 Scenario Explorer. Go to, log in, and under “Downloads” you will find “Infiller database for silicone: IPCC AR6 WGIII version (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6390768)”. Download that file, and place it in your folder of choice (we suggest climate-assessment/data). After that, you can use the following option --infilling-database data/1652361598937-ar6_emissions_vetted_infillerdatabase_10.5281-zenodo.6390768.csv when using the command-line interface.

Climate emulator configuration files

To reproduce the results from the Sixth Assessment Report Working Group III, one must download the relevant specific configuration files for the climate emulator you want to use. See (see Climate emulators) for more information.